Friday, 26 June 2009


Just came across
this shoot by
Ellen Von Unwerth
of my Lily. Yum...

Thursday, 25 June 2009

Jesus Fucking Christ

I just popped into my local
net cafe and found
these on the

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Since my last fix...

Went to Guy's exhbit the other day with
my lovely friend Emma Summerton
at the Wapping Project. We had
nice rose & named nick
cave songs in the

You should



I don't know why, but me an
swang by the last trailer trash -
but sadly (cough!) it was
closed on lockdown.

this head tattoo
will happen someday.
By Andrew May.

The bouncers loved me.

So did the girl... ;-)

We all had a lot of fun at the Soundclash
Ipod battle... I think by the end
of the night I was very
close with Nova.

Monday, 8 June 2009


Today I got the rest of my neck tattoo..
Picked up my new book from the Jed Root office..
And had a lovely dinner with the very
talented and inspiring Katie Eary -
reppin the ab fab, yo!

Saturday, 6 June 2009


"fuck me!"

Always a good introduction

to the idea of impending doom...

Well, after a lost and forgotten blog (due
to forgetting my old password) I have
re-set up my blog - to intrude your

mind and violate your soul
- Don't say you don't love it!

Just did a 16 page story for Liebling
in collaboration with my friend and
photographer Daniel Sannwald
which will be ut in the next issue
(unpublished version pictured)

anyway... welcome to my dark world. <3>